How to Recall an Email in Outlook: Step-by-Step Guide

how to recall an email in outlook

Recalling an email in Microsoft Outlook can be a crucial tool when you need to correct a mistake or retrieve a message sent in error. This feature is particularly useful in professional settings where a mistyped email or sending information to the wrong recipient can have significant implications. Understanding how to recall an email in outlook efficiently can save you from potential miscommunications and maintain your professionalism.

There are various scenarios where recalling an email becomes essential. Perhaps you forgot to attach an important document, sent the email to the wrong person, or noticed a significant typo after hitting the send button. By recalling the email, you can attempt to correct these mistakes before the recipient reads them.

Steps On How To Recall An Email In Outlook

1. Open Sent Items

To start the recall process, you need to access the email from your Sent Items folder. Open Outlook and look for the Sent Items folder in the left-hand navigation pane. This folder contains all the emails you have sent.

Navigating to the Sent Items folder is the first step. Once there, locate the email you wish to recall. Ensure you select the correct email, especially if you sent multiple emails around the same time.

2. Open the Email

After finding the email, double-click it to open it in a new window. This step is crucial because the recall option is only available when the email is opened in its own window, not in the reading pane.

Opening the email in a new window provides access to more options, including the ability to recall the message. Ensure you do not just preview the email in the reading pane, as the necessary tools won’t be available there.

how to recall an email in outlook

3. Access the Recall Feature

With the email open in its own window, go to the “Message” tab located in the toolbar at the top of the window. In the “Actions” group, you will find the “Recall This Message” option. Click on this to proceed with recalling the email.

The “Recall This Message” option allows you to choose between two actions: deleting the email or replacing it with a new one. This flexibility can be useful if you need to update the content of the message or if you simply want to remove it.

4. Choose Recall Options

When you select “Recall This Message,” a dialog box will appear with two options:

  • Delete unread copies of this message: This option removes the email from the recipient’s inbox if it has not been read.
  • Delete unread copies and replace with a new message: This allows you to replace the original email with an updated version.

Additionally, you can check the box for “Tell me if recall succeeds or fails for each recipient.” This setting provides feedback on the success of your recall attempt, informing you whether the email was successfully recalled or not.

Choosing the appropriate option depends on your specific situation. If you need to update the content, the second option is preferable. If the email contains sensitive information sent to the wrong person, the first option is more suitable.

5. Confirm the Recall

After selecting your desired recall option, click “OK” to initiate the recall process. Outlook will attempt to recall the email based on the conditions you have set.

Confirming the recall will start the process. The success of this action depends on several factors, including whether the recipient has read the email and if they are using Outlook with an Exchange server.

Confirm the Recall

Common Issues and Solutions

Paragraph Symbols Reappearing

Sometimes, paragraph symbols might reappear even after turning them off. This can happen if the settings are reset or if there is an update to Outlook. To fix this, revisit the steps outlined in the “Adjusting Settings in Outlook Options” section and ensure the settings are correctly applied. Regularly checking these settings can help maintain a clean email interface.

Symbols in Reply Emails

If paragraph symbols appear only in reply emails, it might be due to specific formatting settings for replies. Double-check the settings in the Editor Options to ensure that formatting marks are turned off for replies and forwards. Ensuring consistent settings for all types of email messages can prevent unwanted symbols.

Formatting Marks Not Turning Off

If formatting marks do not turn off using the Format Text tab or keyboard shortcuts, it might be an issue with the Outlook installation. Restarting Outlook or updating it to the latest version can resolve this issue. If the problem persists, consider reaching out to Microsoft Support for further assistance. Technical support can provide solutions for persistent issues.


Q1. What are paragraph symbols and why do they appear? 

Paragraph symbols (¶) are formatting marks that indicate the end of a paragraph. They help in identifying the structure and layout of the text, especially when editing or troubleshooting formatting issues.

Q2. How can I ensure paragraph symbols do not reappear? 

To prevent paragraph symbols from reappearing, adjust the settings in Outlook Options as described in the “Adjusting Settings in Outlook Options” section. Make sure to save the changes to apply them consistently.

Q3. Can I customize which formatting marks are shown? 

Yes, you can customize which formatting marks are displayed by going to File > Options > Mail > Editor Options > Display. From there, you can select or deselect the formatting marks you want to see.

Wrapping Up

This article thus concludes on how to recall an email in outlook. Removing paragraph symbols in Outlook is a straightforward process that enhances the clarity and professionalism of your emails. By using the Format Text tab, keyboard shortcuts, or adjusting Outlook settings, you can easily manage the appearance of your email messages. Maintaining a clean email format not only improves readability but also ensures your communications look polished and professional.